Enjoy the benefits of a Tallis Bank account on your terms

  • Earn Interest while holding money in your account

    You choose how to save your funds and when to reclaim your money.

  • Digital Salary Portability

    Request salary portability to receive it directly in your Tallis Bank account every month.

  • Easy mobile recharges

    Recharge your mobile phone paying with a card or account balance, and get your credits instantly


Bring instant payments to life

Pix is a new way to make instant transfers and payments 24/7 exclusively available in Brazil. The Tallis Bank way, bureaucracy free.

Get the full experience with the debit card

You’re in control of your daily purchase in an easy and transparent way!
Go cashless with the Tallis Bank contactless card and pay without entering a password.
Make purchases on several online platforms using the debit card option on your favourite apps and websites.


No hidden fees

How much does it cost to
open a Tallis Bank digital account?

View Fees